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An Appetite for Life
Four to six years ago I kept a blog called “Foggy Air.” I named it Foggy Air as a hat-tip to Fresh Air, the NPR show hosted by Terry Gross (who I have admired for many years), amid all the excitement of pursuing my dreams in New York City.
Real Simple Magazine - “Cook These Books” (Nov. 2021 Issue)
BEST TO READ LIKE A NOVEL: “Cheese, Wine, and Bread” by Katie Quinn
At age 27, Quinn was in a skiing accident that left her with a brain injury; regaining her balance required months of physical therapy. After her recovery, she found herself obsessed with, of all the unlikely things, fermentation, in the form of cheese, wine, and bread. In this book, we follow along on her journey as she meanders through England, Italy, and France, discovering the secrets of these three timeless foods. The book leads with captivating stories and overflows with culinary revelations, memorable characters, and simple, tasty recipes.
Wall Street Journal - “Great British Cheese: A Full-Flavored Guide” (Aug. 2021)
WHEN I SAW the title of Katie Quinn’s book “Cheese, Wine, and Bread,” I presumed the cheese part would play out in France. That country’s wheels are always held up as the ne plus ultra. But Ms. Quinn chose Britain to begin her exploration of fermentation’s role in making food delicious.
The Best Thing Podcast - “The Gift Of A Life-Altering Event”
In this powerful conversation, Katie shares the “best thing” to happen to her that would never appear on a resume, bio or come up in conversation.
Kick Ass in Life Podcast - How to Create Your Own Opportunity with Katie Quinn
In today’s episode, we talk about how to create your own opportunity or a side hustle, what it’s like being an influencer, how to work abroad, how to deal with imposter syndrome and more.
Food Journo, YouTuber & Avocado Queen: Katie Quinn
Meet Katie Quinn – a food video journalist, YouTuber and graduate from the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu, whose passion for avocados led her to write a book about them.
Cherry Bombe Radio - Rebecca Masson, Katie Quinn & Ashley Stanley
Cherry Bombe checks in with Katie Quinn, the YouTube personality known as QKatie, and author of the Short Stack Editions cookbook on avocados.
The Food Seen Podcast- Katie Quinn of NowThis News
On today's episode of THE FOOD SEEN- VJ (video journalist) Katie Quinn of NowThis News, the first mobile news company bringing the best videos, bites to an ever-changing audience of social media.
How She Got There: Katie Quinn, Video Journalist For NowThis News
NowThis News is a startup, so each day is different. However, our team works towards one goal every day: creating a news channel for our generation…