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An Appetite for Life
Four to six years ago I kept a blog called “Foggy Air.” I named it Foggy Air as a hat-tip to Fresh Air, the NPR show hosted by Terry Gross (who I have admired for many years), amid all the excitement of pursuing my dreams in New York City.
The Future of the Cookbook
The future of the cookbook seems to be a hot topic of the moment (in the social and professional circles I move in, anyway).
An Appetite for Life
4-6 years ago I kept a blog called “Foggy Air.” I named it Foggy Air as a hat-tip to Fresh Air, the NPR show hosted by Terry Gross, and also because I started it in my mid-twenties.
10 Things I Learned Living in France
I recently stumbled upon an old Google Doc that included some of my reflections after living in Paris for 3 months attending Le Cordon Bleu culinary school.